SET SAIL First Year Seminar

当你在一个新的环境中航行时,新的开始也会带来挑战. SET SAIL旨在帮助您掌握这些挑战,并通过教你如何实现成功:

  • 用新的、令人兴奋的方式在课堂内外负责你的学习
  • Leverage campus resources to help you succeed
  • 浏览新博网页的学术课程,并用它来支持你的目标

SET SAIL 2023 Courses

Data and You: Surviving the Information Age

Dr. Tiago Perez
Jennifer Meier

有没有想过,公司怎么能从你的一个朋友(而不是你)身上了解到你的优点!) install an app? How Target knows you are pregnant before your parents do? Is your password really “strong”? Are all those Google searches really anonymous? In the Information Age that we are living in, 了解数据科学和计算机安全的基础知识已经成为保护数据的基础, your privacy, and even your money. 不需要编程经验或计算机/数据科学背景.

In this class you will get to:

  • Take your first steps to becoming a Cyber Ninja
  • Protect your data, privacy, and money in the information age
  • 在团队环境中工作,了解数据和安全问题

Dr. 蒂亚戈·佩雷斯(Tiago Perez)是新博网页数据科学助理教授. Originally from Brazil, he received his Bachelor from Georgia Tech in 2005, went to work in the IT industry for several years, 并于2019年获得科罗拉多大学博士学位. 他的研究包括计算机安全和数据科学. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his 5 kids, board games, movies and Sci-Fi in all its forms.

Environmental Monitoring

Dr. Lin Jiang

Climate change, ozone hole, water contamination, air pollution, red tide, 其他社会问题也经常出现在媒体上. 化学在应对这些挑战方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 研究这些问题并了解其背后的化学过程可以提高我们日常生活的质量.


  • 以对社会负责的方式运用广泛的知识和可转移的技能,批判性地思考复杂的主题.
  • 通过实地考察监测环境,如测试天然染料和测量水样的硬度指数.
  • 通过案例研究和分析背后的化学过程,然后与普通观众交流.

Dr. 林是新博网页的生物有机化学家和环境化学家. 她对各种天然产品在环境和人类健康领域的实际应用感兴趣. When she is not teaching or doing research, she enjoys reading books, drawing cartoons, and traveling. She has traveled to over 30 states of the US. Dr. 林喜欢和她的两个可爱的孩子玩各种各样的STEAM游戏.

Introduction to Field Ecology via Adventure Sports

Dr. Jose Soto-Shoender
Captain Tyler Fortune

你有兴趣探索和了解萨拉索塔湾流域的生态系统或新博网页新博网址是多少内外的生态系统吗? 你想要发展终身技能来帮助你进行生态学研究吗? 让我们亲眼看看我们当地公园的生态系统是如何管理的,以及在保护它们方面面临的挑战.

In this class, you’ll:

  • 当你划独木舟和在我们的水道上航行时,见证人类与当地野生空间的互动.
  • 通过实地考察当地公园和生态系统,与当地致力于保护问题的专业人士会面.
  • Propose, design, 并执行自己的实地考察项目,以回答有关新博网页新博网址是多少和当地野生空间的生态问题.

Dr. Jose Soto-Shoender是新博网页生物学和生态学的客座助理教授. 他来自危地马拉,获得了研究生学位(理学硕士). 她是佛罗里达大学野生动物生态学和保护专业的博士. 他曾在中美洲、美国和加拿大从事野生动物生态和保护项目.S., and Africa. When he is not teaching, 你会发现他和他的家人以及两只狗一起探索佛罗里达的自然地区.

Captain Tyler Fortune is the Director of Waterfront & Campus Recreation. 他已经当了15年的专业水手,持有船长执照. 他的学位是海洋科学,并在佛罗里达州完成了几个海洋修复项目, the Caribbean and New England. In addition to field work, 他曾在新英格兰和佛罗里达州教授海洋和环境科学. With a passion for the ocean he is often found doing any number of sea sports; like sailing, diving or surfing.

Science of Light and Color

Dr. Mariana Sendova

Why are sunsets brilliantly red and orange? Have you ever set your heart on bringing the stars closer? We will expand your horizon by exploring light. Light is the primary medium of our natural world. Through the study of light, 我们了解光年外的恒星和星系的组成, 同时我们观察活细胞在体内的微观过程. In this class, 你将被邀请:1)跟随你的激情,同时了解光和我们丰富多彩的现实. 2)我们将引导你好奇和艺术的心灵去观察光,将源与诗融合, photography, and scientific inquiry. 3)你会思考,头脑风暴,并参与创造光的“魔法”与你的同行分享. 本课程将培养学生终身学习、综合学习和基本的定量分析能力.

Sendova教授是新博网页历史上第一位女物理学教授. 她是一名实验物理学家,在光谱学领域发表了87篇论文, materials science, nano-science, biophysics, chemical physics, and archaeometry. A quarter of her publications are with New College students. Born and educated in Bulgaria, 她曾在埃默里大学和香港科技大学做过研究. When she is not teaching or doing research, she is enjoying outdoor activities such as biking, kayaking, sailing, hiking, and camping. 她喜欢大自然,几乎去过美国所有的国家公园,包括阿拉斯加, Hawaii, and the US Virgin Islands. Professor Sendova enjoys her two wonderful daughters.

Writing About Writing

Dr. Jennifer Wells

Imagine that you and writing are in a relationship. How would you describe that relationship? If you answered, its complicated, then you arent alone! 许多NCF学生都有复杂的写作历史, some not so good; and as a result, 把很多关于写作和自己作为作家的信念带进大学.

  • 从60年的写作研究中学习,以改变任何限制你的信念和相关行为.
  • Read essays like Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott, 通过使用Instagram滤镜来解开分析的秘密, 通过寻找隐藏在视线之外的东西,思考研究的新方法.
  • Develop a whole toolkit of strategies for reading one time and remembering what you read; staying motivated when you arent feeling it; breaking large projects into small pieces; and getting the most out of apps like Forest and Habitica.

By the end of the class, you and writing may not be BFFs, 但是你们会相处融洽,享受彼此的陪伴.

Thinking About Music

Dr. Aaron Edidin

抽象的音调模式(高或低)和持续时间(长或短)触动我们的心,将我们彼此联系在一起. What’s up with that? Does music matter to you? Here’s a chance to think hard about how that goes. Philosophers and musicians since antiquity, and cognitive scientists in the last half-century, have explored ideas about what music is, what it does for us (and to us), 以及我们的耳朵和大脑如何从空气中的振动模式中获得意义. In this course you’ll

  • 学习有关音乐的哲学思想,并用你自己的观点批判性地回应它们.
  • Learn about research about music cognition, 想想新博网页思想的科学事实是如何与我们所关心的事物联系起来的.
  • 将抽象的哲学和科学研究与你自己的经历和音乐在你生活中的位置联系起来. 你会分享你喜欢的音乐(也许有些你不喜欢), and we’ll connect with musical happenings on campus. 你们将使用课程中的观点和信息进行讨论, think about, and write about the music that matters most to you.

艾丁是一位哲学家,他探索音乐表演中涉及的各种艺术, 以及哲学中关于知识的其他部分的问题, language, and reality. 在一门乐器史的课程上,他开始认真思考音乐, and he loves classical music, jazz, and experimental new music.

Mathematical Thinking: Patterns, Puzzles, and Exploration

Dr. Chris Kottke

本课程通过探索在典型数学课上没有的问题,介绍数学思维的方法. Rather than lecture, 课程围绕学生对材料的探索展开, 以便有机地发现和理解数学概念, 同时培养可转移的问题解决能力和团队合作能力. We also investigate sociological aspects of mathematics, 打破了一些关于谁适合数学思维的有害先入之见.

Dr. Christopher Kottke received his Ph.D. 2010年获得麻省理工学院数学学士学位,2016年加入NCF. Outside of mathematics, he enjoys cooking, playing jazz on the piano and trumpet, biking, and climbing rocks and trees.

Consuming the Visual Arts in Late-Nineteenth-Century Paris

Dr. Katherine Brion

当代对巴黎的迷恋源于19世纪. Late-nineteenth-century Paris, in particular, 充满了视觉吸引力:不仅有丰富的图像(明信片, photographs, posters, prints, 画报)和其他非常显眼的商品陈列在那里, 但这座城市本身却呈现出一系列壮观的景色给城市漫步者——著名的flalneur. 艺术家们对这座城市作为一个主题所提供的一切既着迷又持批评态度, 并担心艺术可能会被视为巴黎消费天堂中又一种可销售的视觉商品. Had the city sold its soul, along with its many attractions? Would the artist? 当我们探索19世纪晚期巴黎的视觉地形和艺术作品在其中的作用时,我们会问自己这些问题和许多其他问题. Among other activities, you will:

  • 磨练你的口头和书面沟通技巧,同时探索巴黎的视觉和艺术文化.
  • 从同一时期的艺术评论家的角度分析一件19世纪的艺术品. 这是你和诗人查尔斯·波德莱尔交流的机会!
  • Take on the role of a nineteenth-century French artist, critic, 或者是1888-89年艺术辩论和事件的艺术商人, 包括与1889年巴黎世界博览会相关的公共展览(埃菲尔铁塔就是在这次博览会上诞生的)!).

Dr. 凯瑟琳·布里昂在新博网页教授艺术史和博物馆研究课程. 她的起航课程的灵感来自于她对19世纪末和20世纪初法国艺术和视觉文化的研究, 以及她在法国生活和学习的时间, including in Paris. Aside from France and Florida, Dr. Brion一生中大部分时间都在加州(她出生的地方)和密歇根州度过. She loves visiting museums and historical sites, exploring the natural world (whether hiking, searching for shells, or swimming in the ocean), going to farmers markets, baking, reading novels, and being with her family.


Dr. Sonia Labrador

Don’t let the title of this course fool you. This is not a writing course, 而是一门关于拉丁美洲作家与知识和学习的关系的课程. 你是第一代大学生,还是良好的教育是你家庭的价值观. 来读读历史和虚构人物为获得教育而奋斗的故事吧, facing enslavement, limitations due to their gender, imprisonment and persecution, and physical limitations.                                                                                        

In this class you will have the opportunity to:

  • 反思你作为一个学习者的旅程,并与其他学习者分享你的经验. 作为第一学期的学生,你面临的挑战是什么?
  • 学习阅读策略,找到更好的方法来完成阅读任务,享受阅读文学作品.
  • 了解一些来自西班牙裔美国的最迷人的作家

Dr. 索尼娅·拉布拉多Rodríguez出生在波多黎各的一个乡村小镇. 她和哥哥是家里第一批上大学的人. 她在波多黎各-皮德拉斯大学获得学士学位,在纽约州立大学石溪分校获得硕士/博士学位.Y. She is interested in intellectual history, 以及获取和生产知识的非传统方式. 在新博网页,她教授西班牙语、加勒比和拉丁美洲文学. She loves to crochet and gardening.